Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Mom Never Forgets

I was telling my husband yesterday that a year ago was Seraphiel's last ultrasound, and we were told that he has no heartbeat. Yes, today, it has only been a year, but for me, it seems like forever.

Many have shown their compassion to me that day, but it would probably just me who remembers it until now. It is still clear to me; the look on my husband's face, the cry of my mom, the silence of my nephew and cousin. I can still remember how the sky looked on our way home: it was cloudy but the rays of the sun were almost peeking through the clouds. It's as if the heavens were telling me that it is okay to cry and everything will be okay in time. I may lost my child's life, but I gained an Angel.

As I am writing this, I am in front of Seraphiel's picture. He looks so peaceful as he sleeps. He is such a beautiful boy, too beautiful for Earth and perfect for an Angel.

I will light up your candle tonight and pray that someday we will be together.

Son, please watch over Papa and your baby brother/sister. Keep them safe and healthy. I can't wait to tell our new baby about you when he/she is born. I will keep your memory alive until my last breath.

I love you my son.

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